Sex and Porn Addiction

We live in a society that is absolutely saturated with sex. From billboards to buses to television to the internet, sex is everywhere. It is used to sell products, to titillate viewers, to entrap those in power positions, and to enslave as many as possible.

It should come as no surprise, then, that pornography addiction is at an all-time high. What used to be viewed privately, behind closed doors, now stares out at us from a million websites, magazine pages, advertisements, television shows and movies. Formerly, it required a visit to “that magazine rack” in the grocery store to get the latest porn magazine and the shame of buying “those kinds of magazines” was often a deterrent.

The internet, however, has provided an unprecedented level of easy and anonymous access to pornographic perversions of every flavor. Lured by the call of the forbidden, many become enslaved to pornography, finding it nearly impossible to resist its draw.

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