Christian Counseling For Personal Development: Always Be Growing

Counseling is not only for emergency situations. That may be what most people use it for, but it can develop someone into the best they can be and maximize their potential. At San Diego Christian Counseling, we have a passion for working with and helping them set and accomplish their goals. Sometimes you just feel stuck and even though you can’t quite tell what’s wrong, you still feel like you can’t move forward. Maybe you’re struggling to understand your identity, gifting, or purpose. Regardless of what you’re dealing with, we are here to foster growth and personal development.

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Maybe you don’t feel stuck, but want to keep growing and don’t quite know how. Or perhaps there is a certain area of your life that you want to improve, such as conflict management, interrelation dynamics, or spiritual gifting. These are excellent reasons to pursue your own personal development.

Some common reasons people pursue personal development counseling are:

  • Life coaching
  • Discovering your personality type and unique gifting
  • Self-esteem building
  • Engaging more fully with others
  • Spiritual growth

The goal of personal development counseling at San Diego Christian Counseling is for people to live each day experiencing a sense of peace, belonging, and purpose. When you pursue your own growth, you will be able to give more to others. So don’t let yourself burn out living unconcerned with your self, pursue your own development to create more space in your life for yourself and other people.

We recognize our need for personal fitness trainers or mentors in our chosen field, why would our personal development be any different? A key aspect of growth is having someone to speak into your life and give guidance, this is true for personal development, like any other area of our life.

Setting Goals is Important

Life without goals can feel purposeless and foster unhealthy patterns. An easy way to promote growth and healthy patterns is by setting goals. They keep you focused, encouraged, and motivated, especially when you see progress taking place. With that in mind, it’s also important to set goals in the right way, it’s important to evaluate our aspirations and establish attainable objectives. Goal setting is a key part of Christian development counseling, and it can be a fun and exciting process.

A Biblical and Psychological Foundation for Personal Development Counseling

When we feel stuck emotionally or unmotivated, we sometimes need someone to help evaluate what is going on and point us in the right direction. Whether you realize it or not, we all have needs, which if left unmet can leave us feeling empty and unsatisfied with life. This is a fundamental concept in psychology best displayed in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

The Lord’s Prayer, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, and Christian Counseling

While it is tempting to think all we need to do is pray more or spend more time reading the Bible, sometimes taking more specific action related to our needs is important, and even Biblical. The Bible actually outlines something very similar to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in the Lord’s Prayer.

In the prayer, Jesus outlines basic needs, our need for daily bread. This is the most basic of Maslow’s needs. If we don’t have the basic life necessities, then we can’t grow, let alone survive.

After this, Jesus prays for “deliverance from evil,” which corresponds to Maslow’s concept of safety and security, the next need we all have. While this might seem like a stretch, it’s not as much as you think. If evil means living in fear, abuse, and captivity, then living with security and safety is in a real sense the deliverance from evil.

The next need Maslow outlines is the need for love and belonging. Jesus then moves onto forgiveness in his prayer. Forgiveness is one of the ultimate ways to display love and belonging. What is more loving than acknowledging pain or wrongdoing, while being willing to forgive and be forgiven? It is a difficult process, but the key to relational satisfaction and mutuality.

Next, Maslow highlights our esteem needs. Loving yourself isn’t easy. We are flawed people and regularly hide from others and God because we don’t feel worthy. But, when we hid from God and his love for us, then we aren’t able to move forward in healthy confidence and identity. Sometimes we need someone to help remind us who we are and what God says about us. We matter because he cares for us. When we humbly acknowledge that, we can find peace and love for him, his creation, and ourselves.

Finally, the last need for Maslow is self-actualization. From a psychological perspective, it’s the personal need for growth and reaching our fullest potential. The goal of the Christian is to be living in greater and greater accord with God and his Spirit. With the help of the Spirit, we can live in deep connection to God, allowing us to experience greater degrees of faith, love, and service. This is very much in accord with Maslow’s final need for self-actualization.

However, it is very common for Christians to lose sight of their own spiritual growth and development. Sometimes we get so caught up in what we are doing, we lose sight of our own growth. At this point, self-actualization and reflection are put on the back burner. When this happens, it can be difficult to come to self-awareness and realize what has happened. San Diego Christian counseling would love to be the mirror for you to help see what is really going on in your busy life and schedule, helping you prioritize your values.

If you feel off balance, emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually, you are in the right place. San Diego Christian Counseling can help you identify what’s going on and provide practical ways to move forward and make personal growth a reality. Personal Development Counseling takes a comprehensive look at your life considering mental, physical, and spiritual aspects to help you move forward.  Three of the main ways we achieve this growth is through life coaching, career counseling, and personal development counseling.

Life coaching: Life coaching and counseling overlap somewhat. Both focus on who you are and what you want to accomplish. But while counseling is focused more on recovering, coaching is focused on guidance for moving forward. It will require some introspection, but remains largely goal-oriented and outward focused, making it slightly different than traditional counseling.

Career Counseling: This is one of the most common forms of personal development counseling. It is very common among young people entering the job market or those transitioning in their careers. It can be helpful to have someone listen to your concerns and uncertainty about the transition or entrance into your field. Another benefit is having a person removed from the situation give you feedback, helping you evaluate what you want, and providing an overall fresh perspective.

Personal Growth Counseling: This counseling, rather than focusing on goals or career, is focused more on who you want to be. Are you satisfied with who you are and how you are living? Are there things you want to change about your life and interactions with others? Are you not sure if you are living into a physically and nutritionally healthy lifestyle? If so, then personal growth counseling may be the right choice for you to evaluate your life and choices.

Establishing a Growth Plan

Our personal development services provide practical ways to achieve your goals, such as a personal growth plan. Your counselor will talk with you about your life and vision, helping you to develop a unique plan with clear objectives of how to move forward. Sometimes growth is in inhibited simply because we don’t have a clear vision of what we want or how to achieve it. These goals can be professional, relational, and social. They can be related to whatever you want to achieve. Your counselor will be able to reflect back what they hear from you and help you establish a clear, realistic plan.

You will also be able to get feedback in an objective, removed environment. For example, if you are struggling relationally and want to change aspects of how you interact socially and with loved ones, you can bring real-life scenarios into your counselor. They can then help you figure out what is going on underneath the surface and establish a plan for how to handle those situations in the future. This is something you are unable to with other people in your life who are apart of the relational and social dynamics. Simple things like this are ways personal development counseling can help you grow.

When it comes to counseling, you have a lot of options, but if you are looking for a Christian counselor in San Diego, then San Diego Christian Counseling is a great choice. What sets us apart is our professionally trained psychological and faith-based perspective, focusing on not only the mind but also on the spirit and body. Other counseling groups will focus only on the mind and body, but our services recognize the importance of Christian faith and spirituality in your life. The counselors at San Diego Christian Counseling are professionally trained, compassionate, and will encourage you in your faith. Our services have helped people from various backgrounds and ages overcome nearly every struggle you can image. So if you feel alone and misunderstood, there is a counselor for whatever you are going through at San Diego Christian Counseling.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(619) 877-2560