Grief Counseling

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The following are answers to common questions about grief counseling in San Diego.

Death is a natural part of life, as we are all mortal. But though we may “know” this intellectually, the actual experience of losing a loved one often hits us hard, causing grief.

The grief process, however, is not always what is expected, which is why a “normal” grieving process cannot be defined. As unique individuals, the grieving process differs depending upon the person’s resilience and other internal and external factors. Some may grieve for months on end, while others may take just a few days to seemingly overcome their loss and go on with life. Some may shed many tears publicly, while others stoically keep it all in, whether in public or private.

When discussing the grief process, many consider psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’ Five Stages of Grief – Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance – as the norm for how people experience losing a loved one. But while these stages of grief may be true for some, it is not always the case for all.

Some sufferers, for example, may have already accepted the idea of their loved one’s imminent death, which is why they are neither in denial nor angry. Other life circumstances, such as the immediate need to provide for the family or the status of the relationship at the time of the loss, can also affect a person’s grieving process, making the stages of grief unique to everyone.

Despite this uniqueness, there are some grief symptoms that can be observed in a person’s grief process. Physically, someone dealing with grief may have trouble concentrating, eating, and/or sleeping. They may also experience constant body aches (e.g. headache, stomachache), become easily fatigued, and/or get sick more often than usual.

Psychologically, the person may tend to worry a lot more than before, feel frustrated, or even feel guilty about being alive. And though they may not desire it, they may begin to feel detached from others – even their close friends and family.

Behaviorally, a person dealing with grief may isolate themselves from others, avoiding the usual activities or even missing work or class. The person might also engage in repetitive behavior that reminds them of the one they lost (e.g. looking at past pictures for hours, or listening to their loved one’s special song).

Thankfully, for those worrying about how to deal with grief, there are many things a person can do. One helpful tip is to allow oneself to feel the emotions and not suppress them. While this may seem scary, burying them inside is counterproductive and may lead to future mental or emotional problems.Something that can help release these emotions is to write a letter to the departed loved one where the love, dreams, and regrets can be expressed.

For others, comfort can be found by talking about their loss. This can be done with friends or with bereavement groups. Many churches have such support for those in need.

Another way is through grief therapy, where a trained counselor can help a person overcome their phases of grief.

Sometimes the grief process can last longer than usual, particularly when other circumstances (e.g. bankruptcy, homicide, suicide, unrequited love) make things more difficult. This may be complicated grief. In this case, grief therapy may be necessary to move forward, as the loss may have seriously affected the different areas of one’s life – home, school, or work.

When possible, it is best to opt for Christian grief counseling. Aside from applying the latest counseling methods, the Christian counselor will introduce the one grieving to the healing power of God. Through prayer and meditation on His Word, the person may then truly come to terms with their new circumstances, knowing that God is in full control.

In Christian grief counseling, the person will learn how to:

  • Accept their loved one’s death;
  • Work through their grief;
  • Move forward in life without the loved one; and
  • Honor the memory of their loved one in a healthy way.

Additionally, the Christian counselor is there to answer any questions about faith, life, and death should there be a need –and there usually is!In San Diego Christian Counseling, there are many such counselors ready to be of assistance.

As a friend, a quiet meal together or an afternoon chat can help a grieving person get back on track. Sometimes the person just needs the loving presence of people they hold dear, even if the sad circumstances are not directly discussed.

However, if one’s friend is overwhelmed by their loss, then Christian grief therapy should be sought out. If they do not know how to deal with grief properly, things may become much worse.

Grief therapy may be necessary if the one grieving …

  • Has become seriously depressed, bitter, guilty, or angry;
  • Blames them self for what happened;
  • Is not able to trust others anymore because of the death;
  • Cannot return to normal tasks at school, work, or home;
  • Feels disconnected from others, even loved ones, for a month or more; or

Thinks life has become meaningless, especially if there are suicidal thoughts.

Every counselor has their strengths. Aside from selecting one with experience in grief and loss, it is important to consider the other circumstances that may complicate the situation. Was it a tragic accident or a suicide? Were other loved ones badly affected as well? Are there additional hurdles (e.g. depression has set in, the departed one was the breadwinner, survivor’s guilt) involved?

At the San Diego Christian Counseling website, the profiles of our different counselors may be viewed so that the right choice may be made.

Become Whole Once More.Get Help for Your Grief.

Though it is an expected part of life, a loved one’s death can seemingly destroy all hope. However, this should not be the case as our Lord Jesus Christ has conquered death, allowing everyone the chance to move forward in life with hope and joy, while still remembering those we have lost.

If you or a friend needs a Christian counselor in San Diego, you may speak to us at San Diego Christian Counseling at (619) 877-2560. Alternatively, you can visit us online to schedule your risk-free initial session.

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