Self-growth is the process of developing new attitudes, beliefs, skills, and mindsets that have a positive impact on life. Self-growth is a way of acknowledging what people are capable of and who they are as Christians living in today’s world. It enhances a person’s potential by unlocking skills that were not evident. San Diego Christian Counseling can guide you on this journey of self-discovery and growth, helping you realize your God-given potential.
The process of self-growth can involve various avenues of life, such as finances, self-esteem, mental health skills, spiritual life, and priorities. It can be beneficial to understand how trauma has affected a person, but that is not the main premise for engaging in self-growth. This process will look different for each person based on needs, priorities, and desires.
Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. – Colossians 2:6-7, ESV
Importance of Self-Growth
Self-growth is important for several reasons, all of which will affect how a person views life as being happy and fulfilling. Whether it is psychological, intellectual, or physical development, self-growth can improve the way we approach life and walk as Christians.
Self-growth will force a person to step out of their comfort zone. Leaving the comfort of familiarity can create a sense of ability and purpose. As a person engages in new skills, they may feel refreshed and excited that they have learned something new. Stepping out of the comfort zone makes way for the new zone of cultivating a new attitude or skill.
When a person learns something new, it means they are developing a new mindset. By stepping out of their comfort zone, a person may realize that they have talents or knowledge that they did not know they had. A mindset that grows will produce an attitude that embraces the possibilities of growth.
Concepts About Self-Growth
Self-growth doesn’t revolve around strategies to create a new mindset. It focuses on whether or not there is a conscious decision to begin a transformational process. There is always a growth potential, and most of the time, it takes determination to make changes to cultivate growth that will produce self-awareness. Four concepts will help create a mindset that is intentional about self-growth.
Self-growth is individual
Everyone is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. The important thing to remember is to find what helps each person a healthy and happy version of themselves.
This is a lifestyle journey
Self-growth is not a one-and-done activity. It is about walking a pathway that encourages a person to be the best they can be and be mindful of each moment.
Life is evolving and growing
It is important to note that life evolves, which causes growth. If you are choosing to remain unchanged, that will evolve as well. Regardless of what you are doing, you will be growing. This growth takes intentional choices.
Choose the way to go
The person choosing self-growth is the only one who can decide to grow, how to grow, and why. It is a personal choice to follow the direction and meaning of life that God has given them. He will use these to guide their growth.
Personal Development and Direction
As mentioned, choosing a direction is key to enjoying the journey. This direction will depend on how a person follows God’s direction. The process of growing is a journey that entails changes in habits, thoughts, and attitudes. There is no pausing the journey. It will continue whether a person engages or not.
When someone is mindful of the decision to pursue growth, they become empowered to navigate life with hope and clarity. A key factor in this is to become flexible. There is no need for strict strategies to achieve self-growth. Embracing the moment as it is experienced will be the key to growth.
The important part is to align their thought process with God’s word and maintain a focus on the goodness He uses to lead us in all areas of life. God is the only compass needed to pursue the right direction for self-growth.
The Process of Self-Growth
Each stage of this process involves decisions regarding how a person would like to proceed to the next phase. Some of these may require an investment and others may require only time as a level of commitment.
Know yourself
The first phase is to acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses. Becoming aware of yourself will inform the decision of what elements of self-growth you want to pursue.
Learn from others
Once they know themselves, they can take time to see how others pursue change and growth. This doesn’t mean they should do what others do, nor is it meant to lead to negative comparisons. It is simply a way to determine what may or may not be suitable for their own self-growth journey.
Make it fit
When a person decides what they want to change, it is time to modify the steps to fit their ideas.
Now that the individual knows what goals they want to achieve, they need to know how to make those improvements happen. There may be weaknesses that need to be challenged, but those challenges will be part of the growth.
This part of the process is focused on setting goals. This isn’t just writing down what a person wants to accomplish, it involves setting a goal, creating a plan to reach that goal, and keeping track of the progress of that plan. This will keep the person focused on moving in the right direction.
Reaching your potential
Hard work and fighting fears are part of the process. Stepping out of one’s comfort zone to attain self-growth will, no doubt, create fear. This doesn’t have to cause a person to give up on personal development.
Once the person has moved through every stage of the growth process, the actual growth begins. It doesn’t stop; it evolves into a desire to attain a deeper level of growth. There is always room for improvement as a person continues the journey of self-growth.
The Secret to Personal Development
The secret to personal development isn’t about what it looks like to other people. The secret focuses on what it looks like to the individual. Life is about growth and evolution. Self-growth is found in the process, not the strategies. Being mindful of the moments is what encourages life changes.
There are a few ways to keep the focus on the journey and not the stages. Most of them require intentions.
Make time for God
Spending time praying and reading God’s word will create awareness of self.
Speak positive and life-giving thoughts
When a person speaks positively about themselves, it can create momentum for pursuing change.
Take time to read
Reading can give a person insight into changes and how they affect others. It helps them understand what makes people who they are.
People who journal find that they can go back and read the thoughts that led them to make the changes they made. Journaling can also help alleviate stress about the changes a person is about to make.
Be kind
There is no reason to think that a person is not good enough when it comes to choosing self-growth. Acceptance of self is a great catalyst for promoting self-growth.
Next Steps
Choosing to improve ourselves is not easy, but it is worth the work. Every person is capable of change when they decide to cultivate growth for a healthier life. Personal development is not going to get a person to a specific destination, but it will create a new and happier version of life.
If the advice of a Christian counselor would help you pursue self-growth, contact our office today at San Diego Christian Counseling, to schedule an appointment.
“New Life”, Courtesy of Jeremy Bishop,; CC0 License