Individual Counseling

Independence, self-sufficiency, and strength are a few personality traits that modern culture values. Though good in themselves, they imply a sort of go-it-alone attitude that was never meant to be. Family, friends, teachers, colleagues, in short, community is intended to live life with us.

Sometimes, however, even the help of the community is insufficient. Life may present challenges that lie beyond the experience of the people we know, or our problems that may be too personal, painful, or shameful to bring up to those around us. Problems such as trauma, grief, and relationship issues may result in negative emotions, behaviors, and toxic relationships.

Having someone who can lend a compassionate ear can be a huge help as you try to work things through. As faith-based counselors, we recognize that the seemingly insurmountable issues you face will ultimately be used by God for your good, but it can be difficult to work things through by yourself. Don’t try to go it alone. At San Diego Christian Counseling, we offer help in the tough times through Christian counseling and the promises of Jesus Christ in the Bible.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(619) 877-2560

Christian counseling in San Diego is useful for addressing nearly any mental health issue that can be imagined. However, even if you are not struggling with a mental health issue of some kind, you may still benefit from individual Christian counseling in San Diego. The professional therapists at San Diego Christian Counseling offer help for a wide range of things you may be struggling with.

For example, individual counseling can help you with:

  • Questions about identity, purpose, or self-image
  • Trauma
  • Work or academic performance issues
  • Trouble adjusting to life
  • Depression
  • Childhood abuse and trauma-related issues
  • Eating disorders
  • Family conflict
  • Substance abuse
  • Loneliness
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Spiritual questions and concerns
  • Grief and loss
  • Relationship issues

Recognizing that you need help may be difficult and humbling, but it is a major step forward. It opens the door to finding true healing. The counselors at San Diego Christian Counseling will come alongside you and help you find peace and joy in Christ.

If you have ever looked into counseling, you have undoubtedly found a range of opinions about whether or not it works. However, many studies have shown that counseling is an effective tool for treating mental and behavioral health issues. When combined with the holistic approach of Christian counseling, your chances for success are multiplied, especially when you simultaneously commit yourself to reaching your mental health goals.

The individual counseling in San Diego helps you to:

Build your faith. When facing the storms of life, you may find your faith faltering or discover that you did not have faith at all. We can help lead you to God and show you the way to deeper trust in Him.

Be happy. Christian counseling helps you find relief and healing from depression, anxiety, and trauma symptoms.

Move on from past hurt. Have you experienced neglect, abuse, or trauma? Individual Christian counseling can help you to move towards the path of healing.

Defeat harmful behaviors. Sometimes harmful behaviors result from our own sin and sometimes as a response to the sin of others. The therapists at San Diego Christian Counseling can help you defeat these harmful behaviors and find forgiveness and healing in Christ.

Build relationships. Do you struggle to build meaningful and lasting relationships? San Diego Christian Counseling can help you develop solid relationship-building skills.

Discover who you are. Are you struggling to find out just who you are, your place in this world, or your value as a human being? We can lead you to find hope, healing, and ultimate happiness in God.

If any of these goals sound appealing, why wait to get started addressing them? The Christian counselors at San Diego Christian Counseling are ready to come alongside you. Your therapist will work with you to find the right solutions to your mental health concerns in a safe and open environment.

You may be asking yourself, “but why, specifically, Christian counseling? Why not just any counseling?” This is a legitimate question, especially since many of the techniques employed by Christian counseling are used in secular counseling as well.

The difference is the starting point or worldview. Christian counseling begins with a Christian worldview that acknowledges God as Creator, Lawgiver, and Judge. It recognizes that humanity has been made in His image and is therefore required to glorify Him by obeying Him fully and finding their greatest delight in Him.

Taking the Christian worldview as one’s starting point makes all the difference, as it emphasizes living all of life before God on the one hand, and the care and concern God has for the whole person.

You may be wondering what happens in individual counseling in San Diego. That’s to be expected if you’ve never had counseling before. In your initial session, your counselor will listen to you as you explain what has brought you to counseling and what you hope to gain. Your counselor at San Diego Christian Counseling will then work with you to create a plan that is tailored to your particular situation. The therapist will employ the best techniques and practices that are available to meet your needs, as well as bring the Word of God to bear on your problems.

If individual counseling sounds like the right approach for you, call San Diego Christian Counseling at (619) 877-2560 to schedule an initial risk-free appointment, or visit our online counselor directory to look for a counselor who might be right for you.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(619) 877-2560