ADHD Treatment in San Diego
Are you looking for treatment for ADHD in San Diego or the surrounding areas? If so, we invite you to schedule an appointment with San Diego Christian Counseling. The skilled professionals at our office are trained and equipped to help you or your loved one cope with symptoms of ADHD to find effective methods for succeeding in life.
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(619) 877-2560
Below you will find some frequently asked questions about ADHD:
What is ADHD?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is associated with three common types of symptoms: impulsivity, inattentiveness, and hyperactivity. These symptoms will appear differently in different people. It’s most common in children but can also affect adults. Christian counseling for ADHD is able to help people control their symptoms, but more importantly, it can help them to connect more deeply with God as they seek to grow.
What’s the Difference Between ADHD And ADD?
An Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is one variation of ADHD. ADD is characterized by the inattentive aspect of ADHD and is sometimes referred to specifically as an attention deficit disorder (ADD), rather than ADHD. ADD symptoms are most commonly associated with an inability to focus. For example, children with ADD are easily bored and unable to maintain focus on things they don’t enjoy. Any sort of school work is particularly hard for children with this subset of ADHD. It’s also common for the hyperactive and impulsive aspects of ADHD to be muted in ADD.
What Are the Most Common ADHD Symptoms?
As stated above, the three most widely accepted groupings of symptoms are impulsivity, inattentiveness, and hyperactivity.
Here are some common examples of these symptoms:
- Distracted easily
- Unorganized
- Inability to focus
- Carelessness
- Trouble remaining on topic
- Difficulty abiding by social rules
- Forgetfulness
Inattention can negatively affect you occupationally, relationally, and socially. Someone dealing with ADHD will likely procrastinate and leave tasks incomplete.
- Frequently shifting from task to task
- Restlessness
- Stimulating substances like caffeine produce a calming effect
Hyperactivity regularly manifests as restless feelings or the tendency to find stimulation calming.
- Lack of patience
- Talking over people
- Answering questions too quickly
- Beginning conversations at inappropriate times
- Impulsive shopping
- Making rash decisions
Impulsivity can lead to inappropriate or risky decisions, without having considered the repercussions.
The symptoms of ADHD can produce chaos. They often feel overwhelming, producing fear that you’ll never be in control. Christian ADHD counseling can provide peace of mind and control over the symptoms, freeing you up to achieve your God-given potential.
How Is ADHD In Adults Different From ADHD In Children?
While the general symptoms stay the same, these symptoms will appear differently in children and adults.
Hyperactivity is rooted in restlessness and behavior associated with restlessness. Children will have difficulty staying still, regularly creating distractions by getting up or dropping things. This inappropriate physical behavior often gets them into trouble in class.
Hyperactive adults, on the other hand, are prone to fidgeting and becoming bored. Once they learn a job, it is common for them to grow restless, driving them to get up and walk around or move on to something else.
Inattention often appears the same in children and adults. Both will struggle to pay attention to detail, regularly making careless mistakes and misplacing personal possessions. Since they struggle to stay on topic, both children and adults will have difficulty completing projects, preferring to move on to something new.
Impulsivity is a behavioral problem, which often negatively affects relationships. Impulsive children will struggle to take turns and regularly interrupt social norms. For example, they might yell out an answer in class without being called on or join a game already in progress before it is finished.
Impulsive adults are often less obvious. Instead of blurting out answers, adult ADHD will manifest in an inability to follow things like pre-determined budgets or making rash decisions to engage in risky behavior (i.e. gambling, sexual promiscuity, speeding). These behaviors may not be immediately recognized as symptoms of ADHD.
Do I Have ADHD? How Can I Know For Sure?
If you are concerned and suspect you might have ADHD, then you can take a self-assessment. The ADHD Adult Self-Report Scale Screener, developed by the World Health Organization, can give you a better idea of whether you may have ADHD, in turn helping you decide whether to see a doctor or therapist.
If you decide to seek further professional help, keep in mind that ADHD is traditionally comprised of several components. While there is no standardized test but to examine your current conditions, struggles, personal history, and to rule out others issues, a medical professional can achieve an accurate diagnosis.
A few of the most common standards for diagnosing ADHD are:
- Recurring inattention, hyperactivity, or impulsivity lasting at least six months, which negatively affect someone socially, academically, or occupationally.
- Multiple symptoms which occurred prior to 12 years old.
- Symptoms not better explained by other issues.
My Child Is Demonstrating ADHD Symptoms. What Should I Do?
If you feel your child’s behavior matches some of the symptoms above, then feel free to schedule an initial assessment with one of the counselors at San Diego Christian Counseling. These professional counselors can accurately diagnose your child and equip your family. A child living with ADHD can be difficult to manage and a counselor can help you navigate the confusing waters of this disorder and strengthen the bonds of your family.
What ADHD Treatment Options Are Available?
For the most part, ADHD treatment will include both therapy and medication. Some will be able to manage their symptoms with counseling alone, but it all depends on the severity of the symptoms. At San Diego Christian Counseling, your counselor might consult a physician while developing a personal treatment plan. The plan will likely include both specific counseling techniques and medications.
There are a variety of medications available. The most common are stimulants (i.e. Adder all, Dexedrine, Ritalin) and non-stimulants (Strattera, Catapres). Medications such as these can be helpful for both children and adults. It’s best to consult a medical professional to learn more about the medication and their side effects.
Psychological Therapy
Unfortunately, medicine is not always enough to cope with the symptoms. Over the last two decades, great progress has been made by treating ADHD with psychosocial interventions. Three of the most successful methods are: parent counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, behavior modification therapy.
Help For Parents Of Children With ADHD
Sometimes parenting a child with ADHD can feel impossible. How do you deal with the hyperactive, inattentive, and impulsive behavior? You want them to succeed in school and to make friends, but you also don’t want them to give up their natural energy and creativity.
It’s important to realize that ADHD is not the result of bad parenting, but it’s also important to understand that there are parenting strategies to help your child succeed. Christian ADHD counseling can help you understand how to best care for your child, setting them up for success, while allowing them to be who they are.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For ADHD
Both children and adults with ADHD will benefit from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). These techniques will help develop a greater degree of self-awareness. With greater self-awareness, you will have a clearer view of yourself and how you impact the world around you. CBT can help you be more focused, organized, and in control of your emotions.
Behavior Modification Therapy
Behavior Modification Therapy is a common and success proven method. In this method, the child, counselor, and parents work in unity to shape the child’s behavior through rewards and punishments. Good behavior is encouraged and negative behavior is discouraged. The method also hones in on controlling issues related to inattention and impulsivity.
Can Christian Counseling Help With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?
If ADHD is affecting your life and relationships, it is crucial to turn to someone you can trust to provide guidance and support. San Diego Christian Counseling is one such place.
A few reasons to consider this practice are:
Trusted ADHD Treatment Options
At Christian Counseling San Diego, you can get the treatment you need. Whether a family member, a child, or you yourself are dealing with the symptoms of ADHD, the counselors at San Diego Christian are here to help through individual, group, and family counseling.
Reliable ADHD Testing
San Diego Christian Counseling is equipped with the most recent technology and techniques for diagnosing ADHD. Obtaining an accurate diagnosis is crucial, and something they can provide.
Faith First
San Diego Christian Counseling does more than offer secular therapy. We have personally seen people receive healing in Christ when all other traditional methods failed. We want to offer people of faith a safe place to recover while remaining focused on the person and work of Jesus.
Christian Psychiatry
At San Diego Christian Counseling, people come first. Medication is used at times but is not the right option for everyone. With us, you can learn what you need, while holding true to your personal and faith-based values.
ADHD is not an identity. Even though at times it can feel all-encompassing, you are more than your ADHD. You can learn to live a faithful, productive life while holding onto the unique things that make you who you are. San Diego Christian Counseling seeks to help people on their journey to discover wholeness and healing in Christ from the symptoms of ADHD.
Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(619) 877-2560