Pain is one of the sensations that we humans generally tend to avoid, but it is an inevitable consequence of living in a fallen world among other imperfect people. Unresolved trauma and unhealed wounds can lurk undetected and seem difficult to target. This is where personal development can come in handy. San Diego Christian Counseling can guide you through this journey toward healing and growth.

Until triggered, we may not even realize how pain has moved subtly, establishing its latent presence in our souls (mind, will, emotion, memory, imagination, and affection). Whether physical, mental, or emotional, pain crowds out the peace and joy that would otherwise characterize and govern our lives as believers. Until we address the roots of pain, it will reside within, commanding our hearts and minds at whim.

In the beginning, God planned Eden’s Paradise, and never wanted us to absorb the depth of suffering that would enter the world through sin. Jesus, however, paid the debt that humanity incurred as a result of rebellion. Now, we who believe can encounter newness in this life, anticipating it in the one to come (2 Corinthians 5:17; Revelation 21:5-6).

Though our lives may consist of both joy and suffering, we can experience God’s intended fullness when we decide that the pain we heal is the pain we refuse to hide. Our hurt doesn’t have to hinder our personal development, but pain can represent a pathway to accelerate it while adding the blessing of strength, establishment, and glory that follows suffering (1 Peter 5:10).

Pain as Pathway in Personal Development

Pain is more than a result and response to difficulty unfolding in our lives. It has the potential to lead us on a path to wholeness, character, and personal development. Our pain tells a story, indicating matters that require our attention.

When we invest energy to identify, explore, and address our pain, we invite God to heal as only He can. We free ourselves of the burden of being our own saviors and position ourselves for the soul prosperity that Jesus makes available to us.

The Holy Spirit facilitates our healing, but He won’t force it. Ultimately, we have the choice to accept and embrace the fullness of our covenant in Christ, not only through our direct connection with God but also through counseling and intentional fellowship with a supportive community.

Pain may have enacted a role in our history, but it isn’t permanent. The story doesn’t have to end in agony, but rather evolve to incorporate and reflect God’s highest plan and divine purpose (Romans 8:28). Our living legacy symbolizes hope for those who witness God’s glory shining amid suffering.


Making large-scale change often begins with a small step. It doesn’t have to be grand, but we must remember that we don’t do it alone or in our own strength (Philippians 4:13). As our Wonderful Counselor, He does the healing work within when we invite Him.

The Lord has also provided resources for us to access through counseling to address our emotional and mental needs. With help and patience, we can effectively disengage from multiple layers of pain that have amassed over time.

Times of suffering can provoke us to seek God’s Presence with intensity. As we do, He may reveal special wisdom, spiritual gifts, and natural talents that we have set aside or didn’t know we had. Often, these can provide refreshment for us to experience greater degrees of joy in the Holy Spirit amid current challenges.

Turning our pain into productivity shifts our sole focus from suffering and stirs our heart’s sensitivity to God’s Presence and greater purpose.


While the enemy seeks to steal, kill, and destroy, his plans are subject to failure (John 10:10). He is a defeated foe, destined for the destruction he wants to leverage against us. We draw strength knowing that the fight is forever fixed in our favor. Jesus settled the victory in His death and resurrection. He will further underscore it as He returns to bring us Home to rule and reign with Him in a New Heaven and a New Earth (Revelation 21:1-3).

Pain follows a violation that the enemy has deployed to rob us of value (Mark 3:27). It may seem that we will never recover strength, joy, or peace. Despite what the devil has taken, Christ stands with us to plunder the enemy. Jesus causes us to profit and triumph supernaturally. Not only do we capture what was unjustly stolen, but the Lord blesses us beyond what we could have imagined.

It is a matter of our acceptance and willingness to receive what the Savior wants to do inside of us.

Walking out a new path from old pain seems daunting when we look at it through our own eyes. We might even feel the enemy trying to persuade us and rationalize that the old pain is tolerable. The threat of pursuing something different and new, including a healing journey, can generate a tendency to maintain our status quo, steeped in false comfort and perceived safety in familiarity.

Our proclivity toward pain, however, is still bondage to an unhealthy mental and emotional state. It does not resemble or approximate what God holds in store for those who love Him (1 Corinthians 2:9).


We may not realize that pain has a purpose. The enemy may have intended harm, but God repurposes everything for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). The heroes of our faith inspire us to ground this assertion in gospel truth. Moreover, the example of Jesus gives hope that suffering births greatness. Our salvation was borne out of all that Christ endured to be for us and to give us, in this life and the one to come.

Pain acquaints us with facets of God’s character as a Comforter and a Companion. We deepen our relationship with the Holy Spirit through intimate and authentic connection. When we endure and pursue healing we permit God’s glory to fill our lives (2 Timothy 2:3). In a sense, victory despite pain pays our enemy back for every weapon launched against us. It punishes the forces of darkness when our triumph in faith extinguishes the fiery darts of destruction.

As pain catalyzes transformation, the hope of glory testifies from within (Colossians 1:27). Our deliverance yields more than a personal turnaround, but also leverages a significant impact on others. Often, those who resonate with our story experience the most profound benefit from our testimony. Having similar pain, they can identify with the nuances of our suffering.

When we consider this, it is no surprise that the areas where we encounter intense pain are places where the Lord wants to bring deliverance, to help and heal us as well as those who need our story.

Even the devil knows that when our eyes are enlightened, we will advance in our true identity to demonstrate godly authority. Is it any wonder that the enemy contests and assaults us in the areas where he most fears us?

Where darkness once prevailed in our minds and emotions, we come out of pain and into greater awareness of its role in fueling our purpose. We will exercise dominion on the earth as God intended from Eden, releasing His goodness and glory to overcome darkness.

Next Steps for Personal Development

We can take comfort in God who repurposes our pain. He gives us the grace to reframe stories through a fresh lens and with an eternal perspective. Pain acts as a tool to refine character, cultivate spiritual fruit, and support our personal development (Galatians 5:22-23).

Pain and suffering can also provide a backdrop where the resplendent glory of God appears (2 Corinthians 4:17). He blesses us with Himself as our reward but also rewards us with fulfilled promises and His rich presence.

Therapy can treat and heal the pain of past and present wounds. Having a trusted professional provides empathy and support. Furthermore, it enables you to imagine and create the rest of your story with a God who knows the surprisingly good ending, amid the twists and turns. With Him, you transform pain, growing spiritually and personally, as a result of what would have otherwise stunted you.

Take the next step to schedule with a counselor on this site to reframe, repurpose, and rewrite a story of pain into a testimony that recounts your amazing adventure. San Diego Christian Counseling is ready to walk with you on this transformative journey.

“Seedlings”, Courtesy of Daniel Oberg,, CC0 License;”Potted Plants”, Courtesy of Curated Lifestyle,, Unsplash+ License


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