Have you ever experienced a moment where you felt on top of the world? Maybe you prepared for a test or a job interview and knew you would nail it. Perhaps you have earned a promotion or will be recognized at an award ceremony. Maybe you finally took time off to enjoy that beach vacation. Everything seems to fall into place until a sudden thought fires across your mind: what if people notice (fill in the blank)?

Body insecurity can stop you in your tracks. Society focuses on physical appearance more than the heart or other life successes. This constant message bombards us every day during our entire lives. How can you feel more confident when faced with body insecurity?

How can I turn body insecurity into body confidence?

Negative thought patterns can exacerbate body insecurity. Even when all else in our life is going well, those nagging thoughts regarding our physical appearance and what others might think can take precedence. Catching and reframing your thoughts takes practice.

Here are a few tips to increase your body confidence:

Stop comparing yourself to others

Print, digital, and social media constantly promote society’s body ideals. More often than not, these images have been photoshopped, edited, and filtered. People on social media post filtered images of standing in certain poses with specific lighting to appear a certain way.

Unfortunately, although we know these media tricks, separating our identities and body image from what we see daily on our newsfeeds can be difficult. You may want to take a step back from media outlets that push these messages. Not only do the messages permeate our thoughts, but they can also give birth to low self-esteem and jealousy.

A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.Proverbs 14:30, NIV

Focus on your health

We can get so caught up in what we perceive as flaws that we take shortcuts. You may obsess about ways to lose weight quickly if you are overweight. Those who are underweight may eat the wrong foods or overwork their muscles trying to gain muscle. Other people may turn to several cosmetic procedures to alter their appearance.

Take a deep breath. Try focusing on your overall health instead of what you feel is a flaw. Are there specific habits you need to adopt to become healthier that will make a huge difference long term?

Change your thoughts

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.Romans 12:2, NIV

In his pride the wicked man does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God. Psalm 10:4, NIV

Body insecurity creates a self-focus as we give more attention to our perceived flaws than to God and others. It is hard to place ourselves in a place of servitude when we constantly think about our physical appearance. Yet, what do we do when our thoughts circle back to how others may view us?

If you are a Believer, it is time to cast off the old nature. It is good to work on our bodies and our health, but not to become obsessed with it. When a negative thought concerning your body enters your mind, ask yourself where this is coming from. Often, these thoughts are rooted in fear, fear of what others think, fear that we may offend others, or fear of rejection.

Once you recognize these thoughts, bring yourself back to the present reality. What are your strengths? What do you love about yourself? What should you do instead of focusing on your physical appearance? How can you help someone today? If you have trouble reframing your thoughts, contact a counselor today for suggestions on making this a habit.

Monitor what goes in

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.Proverbs 4:23, NIV

Everything negative we see and listen to can plant seeds of discontent in our hearts and minds. The writer of Proverbs warned us to guard our hearts against outside influences because the wrong things can change our perspective, emotions, and actions.

You can control what you watch and listen to daily. Make a conscious decision not to feed body insecurity and instead immerse yourself with positive body-confident quotes, transformational movies, and positive body image role models.

Nurture other areas of your life

Your life consists of more than just physical appearance. Are you nurturing your relationships, career, spiritual growth, health, home, and finances? Are you taking time to have fun and pursue a favorite hobby or interest? When was the last time you spent an afternoon with friends?

Consider setting new goals in each area of your life and working on those. This can help remove your feelings of inadequacy as you accomplish new goals and milestones. Achieving a goal boosts self-confidence that can expand into other areas.

Make a list of positive affirmations and Bible verses

The Bible talks about the renewing of our minds. This is not something that happens once; we need to focus daily on renewing our minds and guarding our hearts. If you surround yourself with positive affirmations and favorite Bible verses, they will become second nature to you.

You can print quotes and Scripture you find online or write them down on sticky notes and place them throughout your home and at your desk at work. Screenshot or create wallpapers for your phone, so you see these messages first thing in the morning, throughout the day, and before bed.

Remember that you are made in God’s image

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.Genesis 1:26, NIV

One of Satan’s first lies was given to Eve in the Garden of Eden when he told her that God did not want her to eat from the Tree of Life because she would be like God. Yet, in Genesis chapter one, the Bible states that God created us in His image and likeness.

We are created in God’s image, so to look down on or hate our appearance is not honoring God. We need to do things to maintain our bodies and become healthier, but obsessing over a specific body ideal is not what God had in mind. Think about the billions of people on Earth and about how different we all are in appearance. If God wanted us to look a certain way, He would have designed us that way.

People with Body Dysmorphia Disorder (BDD) have more difficulty separating these perceptions from reality because their minds see things differently. If you believe you have BDD, contact our office today for a consultation.

What if I need more help?

Feelings of unworthiness and shame should not dictate your life. God did not send His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross and rise again and defeat death so that you could remain chained to these emotions. You were created in God’s image and likeness.

We want to help you see through the lies that you are not good enough. The secular world will always have its problems – it is a fallen world. You are set apart as a Christ follower.

They are not of the world, even as I am not of it.John 17:16, NIV

Reach out to our office today to schedule an appointment. You were made for so much more. It is time to demolish those feelings of body insecurity and live in true freedom.

“Laughter of Friends”, Courtesy of Priscilla Du Preez, Unsplash.com, CC0 License


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